How much would it take to get you to quit Facebook? We’re only asking because a teenage girl has made a deal with her dad. If she quits facebook for five months, he’ll give her $200. Sounds pretty sweet, right?
Yahoo News reports that Rachel Baier even agreed to sign a contract with her dad, Paul, so that the experiment is totally legit. Check it out:
Basically the 14-year-old will get $50 if she manages to stay off Facebook until mid-April. If she manages to make it all the way to the 26th of June though, her dad will owe her another $150.
To seal the deal, Rachel gave her dad her Facebook password, which he’s already changed to prevent her from sneakily logging into the social networking website when he’s not around.
Surprisingly, the plan to ditch the social networking website was Rachel’s and not her dad’s as many people assume.
“She mostly wanted and needed the money as she has been frustrated by not finding babysitting jobs. She is an honors student but she says Facebook can be distracting,” said Mr Baier.
Apparently Rachel originally asked her dad for $70 if she managed to complete the task. Then, however, she came back and asked him for $200 (now THAT’s how you negotiate…)
“When she realized it would be for five months and she wanted an amount that would really excite her,” said Mr Baier.
“I’ve realised that she is part of a generation of kids that has grown up on Facebook. She’s been on it for two years full-time. This is two years of 24/7 teen discussion of friends, clothes, parties, etc. They can’t get away from it. I’m proud she recognized the benefit of a hiatus. She plans togo on using it after the contract ends,” he added.
Luckily for Rachel, her contract expires on the last day of school meaning that she can get back to poking people and sending messages just in time for summer.
We don’t know about you but we’d definitely be willing to quit Facebook for five months if someone paid us to do so.