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10th Oct 2013

Police Called To Help Man Trapped Upside Down In A Field… Only To Discover It’s A Scarecrow

Apparently, they weren't impressed...

Sue Murphy

Two officers were called to The Plough Pub in Little Bourton yesterday by a member of the public after they became concerned about a pair of legs sticking out of the ground.

According to the Daily Mail however, the officers weren’t that impressed when they reached the scene and discovered the man in trouble was actually a scarecrow.

Sam Harrison, the pub’s landlord, had created the scarecrow for a local competition which was raising money for charity.

He admitted the police were not impressed when they were called to the scene: ‘Our scarecrow was one of 14 made by villagers in Little Bourton for a competition to raise money for a cancer charity. It was a man fallen down a mole hole and a giant mole.”

“The first I knew about the police being called was when someone said there were two officers in the car park. They said someone had reported a man fallen down a hole.’

Harrison went on to explain that the officers were “not in the mood for laughing” and asked him to move the scarecrow to another location.

The police confirmed they had received a phone call with reports that a man had been found in a ditch.

Images from the Daily Mail.
