Made in Dublin Since 19:16 yesterday evening…
Jam Art Factory Design Shop has been promoting the best established, up-and-coming and student talent that the country has to offer since 2011.
With two stores located in the heart of Dublin city (Temple Bar and Patrick Street) and two websites later, Jam Art Factory is the one stop shop for Irish art and design.
This next item promises not only to make your car look that little bit more lovely but will also help when it comes to schmoozing with the Gardaí.
NCT disc holders have never been so useful…
The ‘Keep Going Sure It’s Grand’ NCT cover has two handy sides.
Useful information includes: ‘Disarm the guard with a flattering comment: ‘You have a grand set of teeth Guard’. Remember to carry a hurley stick and a pair of O’Neill’s shorts in the car at all time’.
And our favourite piece of advice… ‘Try to look ‘Normal’’.
The other side has a charming message for whatever officer needs to check out your car’s credentials.
If you’re looking to get your hands on one of these bad boys, you can head over to where they’re priced at just €8.
For more info you can follow Jam Art Factory on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook.