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22nd Jun 2014

PIC: Student Gets Stuck In Giant Vagina Sculpture – Needs Rescuing By The Fire Service

Oh. Dear. Jesus.


We’ve all pulled tourist poses next to funny street signs or unusual monuments. For one student he just happened to get stuck. In a vagina shaped sculpture.

An American student was visiting the German town of Tübingen which homes an unusual piece of art. Made by Fernando de la Jara, the tall sculpture is called Pi-Chacán, which means ‘making love’ in Peruvian Indian and it is essentially a large marble vagina.

Tubingen sculpture 1

The young man took it upon himself to climb inside for a dare, as you do. Only problem is, he got stuck.

Tubingen sculpture 2

The prank probably didn’t seem so funny when he was needing to be rescued by the town’s fire service.

Emergency services were called and five fire trucks and 22 firemen arrived at the scene to free the trapped, and likely mortified fella.

It’s probably one photo that won’t be making the family album. 

