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22nd Mar 2015

PIC: Is This The Most Datable Man On The Internet?

(Hint: Yes)


So, we’re pretty sure you’re going to be in love with this Imgur user by the end of this story…

rbradyj is a college student who happens to melt our heart with one photo (and caption).

On Friday night, rbradyj posted a snap to his Imgur account.

In a post titled ‘Family is Everything’ , the student explains in the snap how he doesn’t always get to make it home to his family, but when he does he makes sure to make it count:

“I’m home from college for a couple days and my 8 year old sister asked me if she can sleep in my bed with me. You don’t say no to your little sister when she asks you that, especially when you only get to see her once every month or more… It kills me that I can’t be around home more to be more of a role model for her. So now I get to share a bed with the one girl that means more to me than any other girl (besides my mom) ever will.”

datable man

And if that wasn’t sweet enough, he also admits he let his little sister sneak in two teddy bears, while sporting what looks like a breast cancer awareness tattoo on his chest.

So he’s officially a guy who respects his mother, sister, isn’t afraid to shout out about family values and happens to be easy on the eye.

We can’t imagine it’ll be long before he has another lady in his life soon enough…