PDAs or public displays of affection happen every day but when you see them, do they make you smile or grimace?
PDAs can be anything from a peck on the cheek when going your separate ways to a full-blown groping session on the bonnet of a car in broad daylight.
But where is the line between affection and indecency? From what I can see, there isn’t one! I mean if I wanted to see two people eating the face off each other in a park I’d rent out a romcom, most likely starring Matthew McConaughey. In real life, it’s just not practical. You are blocking a walkway and I need to get past.
Similarly, if I wanted to see a girl straddle her boyfriend in the middle of an empty dance floor in a nightclub I’d watch a porn film. But the fact is I don’t want to so why should I have to when I’m going out for an evening with my friends?
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all up for holding hands and a quick kiss in public. In fact, I smile when I see young and elderly couples sharing a moment like that. It’s sweet because it’s a sign of love and romance.
However, when you can see tongues going in and out as well as hands going places that should really be confined to the bedroom, it’s far from romantic. To be honest, it’s filth and I don’t think should be allowed in public.
Let’s face it, we’ve all been there on a bus or in a restaurant thinking why did you come out of your house just to do that? It makes you wonder whether people are actually aware of their behaviour.
This is why I believe pub owners and managers should have the right to ask people to leave if their seemingly ‘affectionate’ behaviour is disturbing the other patrons. After all, it is their pub and even if the PDA-ers aren’t thinking of those around them, those that run the establishment certainly have to.
While it is natural to want to show off how much you love your other half, everyone doesn’t need to know exactly how much. Actions do speak louder than words which make them more graphic and thus much harder to ignore.
There should be laws against these more graphic PDAs. As I said, I’m very much a fan of handholding, hugs and kisses. But the law should be tighter when it comes to what can only be described as dry humping and groping in public.
I wouldn’t go as far as to say all PDAs should be illegal but those that can be termed as public displays of atrocity (still PDAs – see what I did there) ought to go with a fine and a stern telling-off.
If such laws were imposed, I truly think it would only serve to protect and encourage romance. After all, it would be like having hundreds of real-life Romeo and Juliet’s running around. It would also make the moments you do share with your other half more sacred and would save others from feeling uncomfortable in your presence. It’s a win-win situation!