Judging from what we’ve already learned from Ke$ha, ghosts are a frisky, amorous bunch who are, deep down, just looking for a bit of love. However, they seem to be more of a nuisance for this lady who is claiming that a spirit stole her CV.
Is this the new ‘my-dog-ate-my-homework’ excuse? Who knows, but this woman was so frantic about a ghostly thief nicking her resume that she actually rang the police.
Digital Spy reports that Debbie Michelle Zamacona from Georgia rang up the police and told them that her CV, her criminal history and a black and blue blouse all went missing from her home one night.
According to the police report, there were no signs of forced entry into her house. So naturally enough, Debbie concluded that the obvious culprit of the crime must be a ghost (sounds legit).
Wanted: For stealing CVs, criminal histories and blouses
Ms Zamacona told police officers that the spirit of her mother likes to visit her from time to time, although she also stated that she believed a roaming “black spirit” is instead responsible for the evil crimes committed against her. Oh, and she also valued her CV at €3,800, her criminal history at €8 and her missing blouse at €3.
Unsurprisingly, the police won’t be starting a national manhunt in order to track down the CV stealing spectre. However, maybe they should question Ke$ha’s overly-friendly ghost – he might know who is behind the crime…