We have tuned in every week to see how they have been getting on, we have cried when they didn’t meet their targets, we have clapped like seals when they reached them but this week sees the end of Operation Transformation.
The national campaign has proven to be another success with this series’ six leaders collectively losing over 13 stone. RTÉ’s Operation Transformation has gone from strength to strength and it continues to be an example of a public service multimedia initiative making a difference to Irish people’s lives and certainly in the lives of our six inspirational leaders.
The grand finale of this year’s Operation Transformation will be broadcast tonight, on RTÉ One at 8.30pm. The six leaders – Paudie O’ Mahony, Deirdre O’ Donovan, Marc Gibbs, Jennifer Bonus, Siobhan McKillen and Sarah Campbell – have collectively lost 13 stone 9.5 pounds.
Their individual weight loss has been absolutely amazing. Siobhan McKillen’s total weight loss to date was 2 stone 1 pound. Sarah Campbell lost 2 stone 12.5 pounds while Jennifer Bonus now weighs 1 stone and 7 pound.
Paudie O’ Mahony lost a whopping 2 stone 10 pounds, Deirdre O’ Donovan now weighs 2 stone 1 pound less. Marc Gibbs lost a total of 2 stone 5 pounds.
Presenter of Operation Transformation, Kathryn Thomas, was full of praise for the leaders; “I am so thrilled for our leaders Paudie, Siobhan, Sarah, Jennifer, Marc and Deirdre. My favourite part of the series is watching the leaders take to the catwalk for the finale. They all looked fantastic – I was fit to burst with pride.
“Every year the series goes from strength to strength and I feel very privileged to be involved in it. It’s not just a weight loss show, it’s so much more than that – the leaders bring communities together and inspire the nation to embrace a healthier way of life.”
This year’s series saw two new Operation Transformation’s experts join the panel – Dr. Ciara Kelly and dietitian Aoife Hearne joined fitness expert Karl Henry, and Principal Clinical Psychologist with the HSE Dr Eddie Murphy on the panel. The experts were instrumental in helping the six leaders to successfully achive their goals.
All the excitement and emotion of the final reveal can be enjoyed on Operation Transformation tonight, Wednesday February 26th at 8.30pm on RTÉ One Television. The final episode will be available to watch on the RTÉ Player for 21 days after broadcast.
Full details of the leader’s transformation programmes will be available indefinitely on www.rte.ie/ot People can start at day one by using the calendar archive on the leaders’ pages.