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20th Feb 2013

“Okay Glass, Record A Video”: Google’s Slick New Ad For Its Reality-Style Glasses

Upcoming birthdays anyone...?


In Google’s new ad for their high-tech Google Glass project, the search engine giant shows off a length of first-person footage, along with a few of the voice prompts used to demonstrate what Google Glass can really do.

“OK Glass, record a video.”

That’s all you have to say. It’s like wearing your smartphone on your head and having the screen projected in front of you.

It looks slick. But wouldn’t the voice commands get a bit annoying? Especially in public?

If Google had their way, we think the world would become host to a bunch of people muttering to themselves in public, each sentence beginning with “Okay, Glass”.

The glasses won’t be making it to customers in the near-future, but Google has a site dedicated to getting the project up and running, complete with instructions on how to buy Google Glass early.

Want them now?

You’ll need to plead your case on Google+ or Twitter in 50 words or less, get chosen from a pool of applicants, fork out over a grand in money and “attend a special pick-up experience in person, in New York, San Francisco or Los Angeles.”

The deadline is February 27th. G’luck.


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