We don’t know about you but here in the Her.ie office we like to think we’re a brave bunch but if you put a spider, a cat or a mouse in front of us there’s a good chance we’re likely to become incapacitated from our fear.
The only good thing about this is the fact that we’re not alone when it comes to things that scare us. With Halloween fast approaching, pest control company Rentokil commissioned a survey to figure out the things that send a chill down the nation’s spine.
And would you believe that the common, household rat came out on top? Yes two out of five Irish people have admitted that nothing makes their blood run colder than the sight of a rat.
Second place was a tie between creepy crawlies and snakes, while one in eight Irish people shrieked that they couldn’t stand the sight of a spider (we have one lady in the Her.ie office who practically passes out if anyone even mentions the eight-legged critters!).
One in two people said that they watched horror films on a regular basis, but 40 per cent admitted that they would immediately turn off their television if a picture of a rat appeared on the screen. Likewise 16 per cent of the people surveyed said they would switch off the telly if they saw an image of a spider.
According to the survey, most of us don’t fare well with creepy-crawlies either
“It’s not unreasonable for people to be afraid of rats, as they can pose a significant health risk to humans and pets. Common diseases carried by rats include Salmonella, Weil’s disease, E coli and TB,” said Dr Colm Moore, commenting on the results.
“Rats also carry ectoparasites such as fleas, mites and ticks that can cause acute allergic reactions. As winter sets in it is important for people to protect their home against rats, by not attracting them into your homes with food. Keep bins closed. Ensure pipe work is in good order and seal any holes in the building,” he added.
So what are you most afraid of?