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22nd May 2016

Changing one small thing on your Tinder profile could result in an increase in matches

Cassie Delaney

A new study conducted by The University of California has determined what qualities people find really attractive on a dating profile.

Head researcher Tanya Vacharkulksemsuk, a student of Human Behaviour, says we can forget about cheeky chat-up lines and long winded lists of hobbies because essentially the likelihood of finding love all comes down to your pose.

So yeah, get uploading some expressive images.

Studying videos of speed dates and examining the images from online dating profiles, Vacharkulksemsuk and her team concluded that those with expansive postures are almost twice as likely to be rated as attractive by prospective partners. According to the study, they are also much more likely to be asked out on a real date.

The ultimate pose, explains Vacharkulksemsuk, is one in which the subject demonstrates “an enlargement of the amount of space that a person is occupying.”

side view of smiling teen girl with arms open on grassland

These postures are associated with dominance explains Vacharkulksemsuk and give the appearance of having resources, the ability to acquire them and share them. Which, all sound fairly attractive to be fair.

The pose leads potential dates to make assumptions about the subject.

“Within milliseconds, we can pick up a suite of information about a person, with social dominance and hierarchical standing being one of those things,” says Vacharkulksemsuk.

The study in full appears in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

So yeah, if you want to pull basically pose with your hands in the air and legs apart.

And hey, if you don’t get a date, rest assured knowing that you can now also successfully scare off a bear.
