Not to blow our own trumpets or anything, but we always assumed that when it comes to the ancient art of multi-tasking us women-folk are far more superior than our male counterparts. However, a new study has just disproved this theory. Dammit!
According to some new research from Sweden, working mothers are actually worse at multi-tasking than men. Here in the office we find this slightly hard to believe – if anything working mammies are experts are juggling their jobs and their little ones, but anyway…
The study shows that while women are normally than men at handling more than one thing at a time, they tend to let various things slide once a month when their period arrives. Yes, apparently when mother nature rolls into town, our ability to juggle a few things at the same time completely deteriorates.
Women are generally known for their ability to juggle various tasks at the same time
“The results showed a clear difference in multi-tasking between men and women in the ovulation phase, while this effect was eliminated for women in the menstrual phase,” said Professor Timo Mantyla, who led the study.
So basically what they’re saying is that for one week a month we have to suffer from awful cramps, moodiness, a general “under-the-weather” type feeling AND the fact that our brains turn to mush if someone asks us to do two things simultaneously?
Pah! We don’t know about you but while we do feel a bit icky when it’s that time of the month we think we’re still perfectly capable of multi-tasking. What do you think?