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13th Nov 2012

Making a Quick Exit: When Should You Ditch a Terrible Date?

We've all had our fair share of bad dates, but what should you do when you're stuck on the date from hell? Should you try and stick it out or should you bail?


Ladies, let’s talk bad dates. When you’re looking for a bit of romance, there’s nothing more disheartening than being stuck on a date from hell with someone that you just definitely do not click with.

Unfortunately, when you’re dating you have to risk the possibility of having a few bad experiences. We can’t even count the amount of times we’ve gone out with someone only to have them transform from ‘hilarious guy we were texting’ to ‘boring date man’ in the time it takes to decide what film you want to see or where you should eat.

So what should you do when you’re stuck on a date that is, without a doubt, the most awful experience you’ve ever had?

The Only Dating Tip You’ll Ever Need

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of making a quick exit here is the only dating tip that you will ever really need: always, always, always make your first date a short one.

Ladies, we can tolerate anything for an hour can’t we? So even if your dream man turns out to be a total dud (or an actual psycho) at least you only have to put up with him for an hour. Make your first date a short one. Meet him for a coffee or a drink. If you like him, you can schedule something longer for another day. If it turns out to be a nightmare, you’ll be applauding yourself for being so smart.

Okay, let’s continue…

We’ve all had some bad dating experiences in the past…

Help! I’m stuck on a terrible date! What should I do?

First and foremost it’s important to assess the situation. Are you just bored? Is your gentleman friend being rude? Or is he a blatant psychopath?

1. You’re just bored:

If you’re just bored and your date hasn’t done anything to completely offend you, we recommend taking one for the team here. Do you really want to be known as the b***h who ditched him before you even finished your starter? Didn’t think so.

Try to enjoy his company. If you’re in a restaurant remain polite but once you’ve finished your food, start putting on your coat like it’s time to leave. If he asks you to move on to a pub, just say that you need to be somewhere else or you have an early start in the morning. Hopefully he’ll get the hint. Just be as nice as you can. It’s always better to treat someone how you’d like to be treated if this situation was the other way around.

2. He’s being super-rude:

He’s being nasty to the waitress, he keeps saying inappropriate things to you and if he mentions his ex-girlfriend one more time you’re going to scream – in this situation it’s perfectly fine to cut the date short.

Grab your things, put on your coat and tell him you’re leaving. If he says anything, just be perfectly honest – thank him for the date but tell him that there’s no attraction there, wish him well and be on your merry way. Life is too short to put up with a rude date. Fact.

3. He’s an absolute nutcase:

Woman’s intuition is a powerful thing and if your date is giving you some seriously creepy vibes then it’s important that you put your own safety first. Excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and ring one of your friends. Ask them to come and meet you as soon as possible. Leave with your friend.

If your date starts getting a bit too touchy-feely or aggressive before your friend gets there, grab your things, leave and get yourself to a friend’s house or your own home as safely as you can.


Ladies, we have to ask – what’s the worst date you’ve ever been on? Some of our own include a grown man who wouldn’t stop talking about his cat (in a weird baby voice), a guy who kept making back-handed compliments e.g. “Oh that dress looks great on someone so hippy” (the cheek!) and a fella who demanded a second date (he didn’t get one…)