We don’t know if these will catch on around town and not just because of the aesthetics…
New inventions are hitting the world at a daily rate, but have you seen one like this yet?
Meet the Facebook-hugger jacket, it’s called the ‘Like-a-Hug’.
Scientists at MIT have designed the jacket that combines the social media website and hugs into the piece of clothing.
The jacket is connected to your Facebook page and everytime someone hits Like on one of your statuses, comments or photos, the jacket, you guessed it, gives you a hug by inflating itself.
Perhaps not the most stylish jacket…
If you want to give the hug back, you check your phone, see who sent you the hug and you can hug yourself, which will inflate their jacket in return.
According to the piece on Mashable, the jacket was designed by Melissa Chow. It is more of an art project than a real item that will go on sale, but we really don’t see it catching on… can you?
Check out how it works with this video…