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01st Dec 2012

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: The Things You Should Always Tell The Truth About

White lies and the occasional fib are a part of human life. However, there are some things that you should never, ever lie about. We list the biggies here...


We’re all familiar with the occasional white lie. You know, telling your friend that her new neon orange dress makes her look fab, thanking your boyfriend for a gift that may not be quite to your tastes – we’ve all been there.

In fact, did you know that according to research the average person lies one to three times a day? It’s not exactly hard to believe, right?

And while telling a white fib to spare someone’s feelings is considered to be relatively okay and harmless, there are a few things that you should never, ever lie about.

Here are the things that you should always tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth for…


Having an orgasm: While it’s tempting to fake it (especially if he’s giving it socks, God bless him) this is one thing that you should never fib about. Tell the truth and not only will he thank you for it, he’ll also do everything he can to ensure you have one the next time you’re in bed together.

Feeling sick at work/college/an event: Just own up and admit that you’re not feeling well. Excuse yourself, go home and get some rest. No one is going to hate you for looking after your health. They might hate you if you puke on their shoes though (we’re just saying…).

Your mental/emotional health: If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression or another issue it’s always best to be upfront about it. Always be honest if your family/boyfriend/friends ask you if you’re okay.

If your relationship has no future: There is no point in staying in a relationship that you know has no future. It’s always best to admit it and move on, for the sake of your own happiness and the sake of your partner. Remember – it’s never nice to string someone along, especially if you know they’re more invested in the relationship than you.

It’s true what they say, honesty is always the best policy…

Your needs: Never lie about what you need from another person. Whether it’s love, support or help always say it out loud. Don’t settle for less than you deserve.

Anything you tell your doctor: No matter how embarrassed you may feel about a medical problem, your doctor is never going to judge you. Chances are they’ve already heard everything anyway, so be honest. Holding something back could stop them from making a proper diagnosis, and no one wants that, right?

That mistake you made at work: If you work in an office, there’s a strong chance that your little slip will be noticed by someone else at some point in time. Honesty is always the best policy. Admit your mistake before your boss finds out.

Your CV: This is a taboo subject, but it’s never a good idea to lie on your CV. If you’re lucky enough to land the job in the end, you could find yourself caught out when your new boss tries to have a conversation with you in French (which you’re fluent in, according to your CV).

Saying you love someone: Yikes! Sometimes those three little words slip out by accident or when you’ve had a bit too much to drink. As a rule of thumb, you should never, ever utter those words unless you genuinely, truly mean them. Don’t tell someone you love them if you don’t mean it. It’s cruel and it will blow up in your face. Trust us. 
