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23rd Oct 2014

I Love You, Shauna: Man Creates Website To Show His Ex How Much He Cares

Because that is not creepy at all...


Just about everyone on the planet has gone through a break-up and we will admit, they’re never easy.

However for this next lady who goes by the name of Shauna, the end of her relationship was a little tougher (and a little more public).

Shauna’s ex was finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that she was no longer going to be a part of his life and so he done what any desperate heartbroken modern man would do, try to win her back… by dedicating a website to her.

‘I Love You, Shauna’ is a one-stop sloppy outpour of love that may leave some a little queasy. Sadly, it appears that the site is under some maintenance but thankfully the lovely folk over at Jezebel managed to get some of the details before this ex probably realised it was a tad too much. Just a tad.

The website had three main sections – ‘I’m Sorry’, ‘Things I Want To Do With You’ and of course, ‘Why I Love You’.

‘I’m Sorry’ was his way to apologise for the two bad decisions he apparently made and how he “idiotically” didn’t put Shauna first – we know a few guys that do the same thing.

“Shauna, I’m so sorry for all the pain that I’ve put you through. I broke your heart into a million pieces twice, and I regret those decisions every single day. You don’t deserve someone that is going to hurt you like that.. You deserve the best of the best. And that is why I’m trying to show you that I can be that person for you. I’ve changed a lot over the last 4+ months and I’ve realised many of my faults. I’ve reflected on those faults for weeks and knew I had to take steps to correct them. I know it has taken me a while to realise my faults, but I would rather put this effort in than not at all because you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.

“When we were together, I idiotically didn’t put you first. It was always me, me, me and what I wanted to do. I tried to turn everything into something about me rather than making it about the more important person, you. I was a stubborn idiot who thought everything should be my way or no way. The fact of the matter is that I’m clearly not right all the time and I’m definitely not perfect. I’ve made a ton of mistakes when it came to us and I’d give anything to show you how I’ve changed for the better.

“I took you for granted when I should have cherished each and every single moment with you. You gave me such an overwhelming amount of love and care and I didn’t even realize it. Looking back at what we had, I made two huge mistakes by letting you go. I hope that you can find it in your heart to forgive me and allow me the opportunity to make you feel like the most important girl in the world. I’m trying everything I can to show you how I’ve changed for the better and I hope you’re recognising how I’m changing [sic]”.

Our favourite section however, had to be ‘Things I Want To Do With You’:

“I thought it would be nice to list some of the things that I want to do with you to show you that I’ve changed”, he wrote, “if I was given the opportunity of being your boyfriend again”.

1. Marry you.
2. Live with you.
3. Grow old with you.
4. Be the father of your children.
5. Spend the rest of my life with you.
6. Make you feel like the most important girl in the world.
7. Be there for you through thick and thin.
8. Go apple picking with you each fall.
9. Sleep with you every night.
10. Have more date nights by taking you out to dinner more often.
11. Take you out on a movie night more often.
12. Dance with you more.
13. Take you on a trip to Pittsburgh to see your Steelers play.
14. Go on vacation with you wherever you want.
15. Talk to you on the phone more.
16. Send you flowers randomly “just because.”
17. Take some more trips to the batting cages.
18. Cook you dinner a few times each month (and not just Penne & Vodka :))
19. Go to the city more often for dinner/to walk around.
20. Hold your hand as much as possible.
21. Lay on the beach with you.
22. Wrap my arms around you every single day and not let go (well, maybe after a little while).
23. Kiss you and remind you how much I love you every single day.
24. Spend more time at your apartment.
25. Spend more time cuddling and hugging.
26. Spend more time with your family.
27. Stay up late laughing with you.
28. Give you more massages.
29. Doing many more romantic things with you.
30. Show you how serious I am about changing for the better.
31. Show you how you’d never have to go through the pain that you’ve went through ever again.
32. Stare into your eyes and make you feel like you’re the only girl on earth.
33. Show the world how proud and lucky I would be to be with you.
34. Post mushy messages all over your Facebook wall.
35. Make you my Woman Crush Wednesday on Instagram every Wednesday, lol.
36. Love you unconditionally.
37. And many many more…

We’re going to go right ahead and say it… STAGE FIVE CLINGER ALERT.

Shauna, do the right thing and stay single.




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