Not that we needed confirmation but a new experiment has revealed that the best drivers are women.
According to the Irish Sun airplane-style black boxes, made by Wunelli, were fitted inside thousands of cars to show how their drivers performed over a set distance.
The results showed that women are both less likely to break the speed limit and are more careful when braking. Us girls also tend to avoid driving at night, which is the worst time for accidents.
The female of the species are more than able to stick to the limits.
It comes at a time when the EU are bringing in a rule that will mean that women will have to pay the same for car insurance as men.
Although another study, conducted by Liberty Insurance, did find that guys are better when it comes to dealing with a broken-down car.
We might need a bit more training on how to change a tire though.
Not only have less than half of women changed a tire but only 20 per cent have a tow rope in their vehicle.
So ladies, it might be time to get your hands a little dirty and get to grips with that car jack of yours. As for on the road, keep up the good work!