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12th Aug 2012

Here Comes The 3pm Slump…Get Energised Without That Extra Cup of Caffeine

Here are three tips to help you build up your energy stores and get past the 3pm slump without that extra cup of coffee.


Another cuppa?

A cup of coffee always does the trick. That quick shot of caffeine has us buzzing past the 3pm slump, but the comedown is always the worst. Headaches and tiredness make you question how you even had that energy half an hour previous.

There are other ways to get a shot of energy without resorting to ten cups of caffeine a day. These are three simple tips, compiled by MindBodyGreen‘s Sonnet Lauberth. These tips can help you to increase your energy as well as improve your mood, productivity and even help you to lose weight.

1. Start The Day with a Good Feed

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And grabbing a sugary apple slice on-the-go doesn’t count. If you want to have energy in the day, breakfast should be made a priority.

Aim for a breakfast that includes some protein, healthy fats and colourful fruits. Everyone is different, however, so while a bowl of cereal or oats may suit one person, another may feel more energised after a smoothie. Experiment and see which ones work for you. Ideally, a good breakfast should mean you are not hungry until lunch-time.

2. Drink Water Throughout The Day

Staying hydrated is key to having stores of energy. If you aren’t drinking enough water, now is the time to start. The rule is to have eight glasses of water a day, but depending on your activity level, caffeine intake, the climate and the foods you eat, this could be more. One way to tell, you can see it coming, is the colour of your urine. If it is any darker than the yellow colour of a lemonade then you need more water.

Keep a bottle within arm’s reach during the day. By simply keeping yourself hydrated you’ll find you won’t need that extra caffeine to get you through the day.

3. Get Moving

Many of us think exercise if hard work and, when we don’t do it, guilt-inducing. Moving more, however, is simple. Getting more movement into your day will not only increase your energy level, but it can decrease stress, give you mood-boosting endorphins and help you to sleep better at night.

Find ways to get more movement in everyday, whether it is gentle stretching, a walk with the dog, taking the stairs instead of the lift or playing outside with the kids. The key is to find something you actually enjoy doing, it shouldn’t feel like a chore.
