In a terrifying twist to the regular weather report, one town in Australia is now experiencing rainfalls… of spiders.
Residents in Goulburn, New South Wales said they were surprised to see the invasion of spiders, which were falling from the skies.
Local Ian Watson told The Sydney Morning Herald newspaper:
“The whole place was covered in these little black spiderlings and when I looked up at the sun it was like this tunnel of webs going up for a couple of hundred metres into the sky.”
Other locals noted how spiders webs were seen falling from the sky, with little spiders taking over the local vegetation.
We’re picturing this… (yes, we’re a little dramatic…)
According to the Independent UK, ‘flying spiders’ is actually known as ‘ballooning’ – where the insects climb to the top of trees and vegetation before releasing a silk balloon and allowing the wind to carry them.
Spiders have been recorded travelling up to three kilometres using this method.
So if you have any friends living in Sydney, it might be time to send them an umbrella in the post.