We’ve watched many videos online in our time but this is truly one of the greatest clips that has ever been uploaded onto YouTube.
The older generation are fond of reminding us just how lucky we have it, with technology making 21st century life so simple.
‘We didn’t have that in my day’, is a line that has been heard by just about everyone and this video from YouTuber Aidan Molloy captures that sentiment perfectly.
When an elderly man was shown a video camera for the first time he was simply stunned, “there we are there”.
We’re don’t know much about Willy the paddy-cap-wearing-absolute-gentleman in this short clip, but judging by that accent we suspect he is from Co. Tyrone. One thing that is for certain though, “f*ck me, that’s a tara boi” is our new favourite saying.
From “that’s technology is right” to “Jesus, who’d believe that?” This is one minute of absolute Internet gold…
Video via YouTube/AIDAN MOLLOY