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21st Apr 2014

Feeling Fragile And In Need Of A Laugh? This Llama Dancing To DMX Is Exactly What The Doctor Ordered

If you don't find this as hilarious as we did then we're sorry for you. Genuinely.


Bounce your way out of the Bank Holiday Monday blues with this Llama.

The Internet is home to the weirdest and most wonderful things imaginable and this next clip is no different. In fact it is probably one of its finest videos in sometime.

Earlier we brought you Robert De Niro’s first ever Vine but we apologise to the De Niro fans out there, the award for the greatest Vine today is going to this guy… A joyful Llama caught on camera some weeks ago that has now received the DMX treatment.

If you don’t find this as hilarious as we did then we’re sorry for you. Genuinely.

The original YouTube clip has garnered over a quarter of a million views in just three weeks. However we’ll not lie, DMX just makes it that little bit more special.

*Replays Vine for 78th time*

Video via YouTube

Hat-Tip: Buzzfeed


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