According to new research, having sex and partying are much more enjoyable than texting or being on Facebook.
While we reckon we could have told you that ages ago, Facebook doesn’t even make the top ten of the most fulfilling activities.
In the study, conducted by the University of Canterbury, they were measured by pleasure, meaning, engagement and happiness according to Otago Daily News.
Sex or making love ranked first in all four categories with partying and drinking alcohol coming in second for both pleasure and happiness.
In the words of the Vengaboys: We like to party, we like, we like to party!
Spending time on Facebook was deemed the least meaningful and also didn’t perform well in the other categories.
Other activates that were found to make you happy were volunteering, listening to music and going shopping. Joining Facebook and texting on the least fulfilling list were housework and paid work.
So texting and being on Facebook isn’t as fulfilling as you might think.
Psychology researcher Carsten Grimm spoke about the findings: “The results have implications for what psychologists have called ‘the full life’… being able to seek happiness in different ways may enrich your everyday experience and increase your overall well-being.”