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03rd Feb 2013

Dr Eva Or Dr Evil? Operation Transformation Doctor Changes Her Tune

Says she will apologise for last week's outburst


When you’re trying to lose weight on national television and being weighed every week in a crop top and leggings, being told to “cop on” when you break down in tears under the strain of all the pressure, is the last thing you need.

But for anyone who watched last Wednesday night’s episode of Operation Transformation, that’s exactly what happened.  

23-year old leader Charlotte O’Connell broke down in tears of frustration on RTE’s hit show when the number on the scales showed that she was just half a pound shy of her goal weight loss for the week. But, instead of spurning the contestant on, Dr. Eva Orsmond launched a verbal attack telling Charlotte to “cop on” and to stop wasting their time.

And although she defended her actions in the aftermath of her controversial outburst, the Finnish nutrition specialist has revealed that now acknowledges that her outburst was “unpleasant” and that she needs to apologise.

Speaking to the Sunday Independent, Dr Eva said “I will apologise for the way I spoke to her and the tone I used. I raised my voice and spoke in an unpleasant way and I totally understand that now.

“I have been in tears since, I have been very upset. I don’t want people thinking I am like that the whole time. I have two personalities – one on and one off the camera.”

The contestant at the heart of the controversy – Charlotte O’Connell

And the ice-cool blonde has also revealed to the newspaper that she is considering leaving the show after this series because she is worried about how it is impacting on her personal and professional life.

“I don’t know if I will do another series. I have to think about it. It is something that I care very deeply about and I have been campaigning to raise awareness about obesity for many years. People need to realise the problem is at epidemic levels now.

“But when my children are coming in the door and telling me that they are being asked if I am like that at home too – how can people think such a thing?

“My clients are also telling me they are being asked if I speak to them like that. Of course I don’t. I would have my medical licence taken away from me if I spoke to clients like that. But this is a TV show and they want a reaction and obviously I made a poor judgement as a medical professional.”

Tough love or a step too far? With over 60 percent of Irish adults now obese or overweight, it’s understandable that Dr. Eva is passionate about changing the way the country is headed but maybe shouting at contestants isn’t the best way to do it. 
