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01st Jan 2013

Do You Want Butter With That? Bizarre Online Bread Craze Goes Viral

Who knew baguettes could be so popular/entertaining?


If 2012 was the year of anything, it was the year of the weird internet meme and you know what? It looks as though the bizarre internet craze is something that is going to follow us into 2013. Ladies, allow us to introduce you to baguetting.

Yes, baguetting is the latest craze in a long line of internet trends that involve throwing milk over yourself, posing with statues and wasting a good port.

A group of celebrities and comedians decided that it was about time that created their own online craze, so they came up with the idea of baguetting – namely, posting pictures of themselves online posing with baguettes in their every day life.

Baguetting involves using the bread sticks like every day objects and/or body parts. Exhibit A:

George Takei, Ellie Kemper and Marcia Gay Haden are just a few of the celebrities who have jumped on the baguetting bandwagon, which was originally started by comedians Tim Bierbaum and John Milhiser from Serious Lunch.

The strange pictures have become known online as ‘baguette-me-nots’ and we reckon we’ll be seeing more and more of these bread-based masterpieces until the next internet trend comes along and sweeps them away.
