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24th Jan 2015

Do You Buy Tins of Tuna? If Yes, You Probably Shouldn’t Read This!

(We also wouldn't read this if we'd just eaten, are eating or are intending to eat soon)


A woman in England got quite the fright when she found what has been described as a mysterious sea creature in a tin of tuna.

Zoe Butler from Nottingham opened the tin, which she bought as part of a multipack in a supermarket, to make her daughter’s lunch on Monday.

She told The Mirror: “I opened the top of the lid and saw a purply thing… then I turned it round and pushed it with a fork and saw it looking back at me.”

“It’s got like a spiny tail along the bottom, it’s quite grim. I dropped the fork, jumped back, screamed a bit and shouted for my nan to come and have a look.”

Zoe and her grandmother ascertained that the animal was dead. She later filed a complaint with the brand who has apologised and launched an investigation into the matter.