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27th Feb 2015

Distressed Over That Dress: Team Blue And Black? Makers Of That Dress Have Some News For You…



It is the debate that has divided the online world for the last 24 hours, is this dress blue and black or white and gold? 


We don’t know and we don’t care…

Okay, we take that back. We actually do care and the entire office had a split vote.

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We feel your pain, Jim. We feel your pain.

Tumblr user Caitlin McNeill, who posted the picture originally, suggested that the dress is blue and black after seeing it at a wedding, and as it turns out, she would be correct.

dress 2

The British retailer responsible for that infamous dress has confirmed that the garment is in fact blue and black.

Good news for white and gold fans though as Roman Originals are contemplating bringing out a dress in that combination.

So what colour will the white and gold dress be?!

We’re confused too, Britney…

“We are thinking about making a gold and white version,” Roman Originals’ creative manager Ian Johnson told Mashable.

“We already do it in other colours. We could do it quickly, but it has to go through quality assurance.”

black and blue

The dress pictured on the store’s website (above) and the outfit in real life at a during the wedding (below).

Pic via

So what’s going on, has the world gone mad or is half its population colourblind?

We’ll let science explain it for you…

What colour do we think the dress is? Sam Smith has been waiting patiently for this day…