A plastic surgeon has given a scarred fire fighter a new lease on life with an extensive face transplant. Patrick Hardison was left severely disfigured in 2001 when the roof of burning building collapsed while searching for a missing woman.
Plastic surgeon Dr Eduardo Rodriguez led the surgery in a New York Hospital, said the transplant was the most extensive by far in terms of the tissue transfer.

Hardison had previously undergone 70 surgeries before being able to avail of the full transplant procedure.
The tissue donor was 26-year-old David Rodenbaugh, an artist and competitive cyclist from New York. He died in a biking accident in Brooklyn. His mother gave permission to use his face saying that he always wanted to be a fireman.

The surgery lasted 26 hours, during which time Dr Rodriquez covered Hardison’s skull and neck with the new tissue. Stitching the skin behind the head leaves his face without scars.
Hardison talked to New York Magazine about his disfigurement saying; “Kids ran screaming and crying when they saw me. There are things worse than dying.
“I thought for years that I would die the way I was after I got injured. I never thought I would be sitting here today after a face transplant.”
Hardison is currently undergoing sever physiotherapy but homes to be able to return home before the end of the year.