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26th Oct 2012

Decisions, Decisions: Need to Make up Your Mind About Something? Wait Until 11:59am

According to a new study we make our best decisions at exactly a minute before midday...


Need to make an important decision? Wait until 11:59am. Why? Well apparently it’s the best time of day to make up your mind about something. Yes, really.

A new study has revealed that 11:59am is the prime time to make a decision because at that time, the morning rush is over and you’ve had your breakfast a few hours ago so you won’t be suffering from any hunger pangs. It’s apparently important to have a full stomach when you make a decision as being hungry can actually affect your decision-making abilities. Fascinating stuff, right?

According to the study, men make their most rational, level-headed decisions at 11.53am (so if you want to coax him into doing something he really doesn’t want to do, it’s probably best to wait until after lunch…)

Chosing paint? Make your decision at 11:59am so you don’t regret the colour later!

Meanwhile, us women-folk tend to be most logical about our decisions at 12:04pm – a full 11 minutes after our male counterparts.

Believe it or not, as well as the time having an impact on our decision-making, the month also has an effect. The most sensible decisions are usually made in the “boring” month of April, while the craziest, most impulsive decisions tend to happen in December when we’re all distracted by parties and freaking out over Christmas preparations and shopping for presents. It makes sense, eh ladies?

Now, onto the most important question of all – to go out tonight or tomorrow? We guess we better put on our thinking caps (or wait until a minute before midday…)
