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30th Mar 2013

Darren’s Making a Dallas-Style Comeback? Robert Sheehan Talks About Love/Hate Return!

Since he was spotted on the set of the new series, tongues have been wagging about whether he'll be back and just how it's possible. Here's the latest from the man himself...

Rebecca McKnight

First he definitely wasn’t returning, then he was spotted on the set of the latest series and now Robert Sheehan has hinted that he’s going to be the next JR!

That’s right the Love/Hate hottie has commented on the rumours surrounding his role in the fourth season of the popular crime drama.


Darren’s fate looked pretty grim at the end of the third series.

According to the Irish Independent he told RTÉ Radio that there might be a Dallas-style comeback for his character Darren.

For those of you who didn’t see the finale of series three, you might want to stop reading now: he was shot in the head and left for dead.

Anyway, Sheehan said: “It wasn’t the happiest of ends at the end of the third series but with the fourth I was indeed back briefly with the Love/Hate gang.”


JR made one of the most famous TV comebacks of all time.

He added, “That’s pretty much all I can say,” before joking, “Who knows? I could be the next Larry Hagman.”

Now if JR is anything to go by, it sounds as if Sheehan might be making more than just a brief appearance but then again, you never really know what’s going to happen with Nidge and co around!
