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10th Aug 2012

Book-Smarts: Cameron Diaz to Pen Her First Book

The actress has just signed a deal with publishing giants Harper Collins to write a book about healthy living.


Ladies, what do you think about celebrity books? You know what we’re talking about – books penned by A (and sometimes D) Listers. Do you read them? Do you enjoy them?

We have to say that we were a little surprised when we heard the following news. Golden Globe-nominated actress Cameron Diaz is set to write her first book. Yes really. We’re oddly excited to see what kind of shape it will take, we have to say.

The Irish Independent reports that Cameron has just signed a deal with Harper Collins, one of the biggest publishing houses in the world and apparently, she’s gearing up to write a book that will contain all of her health and fitness tips. Intriguing, right?

Cameron, who is known for her sculpted arms and love of surfing, wants to share all the healthy living wisdom that she’s gained over the years. Plus, given the fact that she’s a woman who believes that life is all about having fun and looking after yourself, we have to say, her book could bring a much-needed breath of fresh air to the health genre.

A spokesperson for Harper Collins said that Cameron wants to “engage and empower” women with the book and said that the book is likely to cover topics such as nutrition, fitness and “general well-being.”

Cameron is generally quite outspoken about how she stays in shape and recently she said that a good sex life was key in helping her look so good for her age (would you believe that she turns 40 on August 30th?)

“The fountain of youth (for me), let’s see…I guess it’s exercise, healthy diet, lots of water, lots of laughter, lots of sex – yes, sex, we need that as human beings. It’s healthy, it’s natural, it’s what we are here to do!” she said, speaking to the UK edition of Vogue magazine.

According to reports, Cameron’s book will hit our shelves in late 2013. Will you be buying it?

