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17th Nov 2014

At A Glance: New App Lets You See Sex From Your Partner’s Eyes

There really is an app for everything.


This brings a whole new perspective to intimate moments… 

Glance is the latest iPhone app that allows users to see sex through their partner’s and promises to bring your love life to a whole new dimension.

Three people created the app during a hackathon that took place in London last year and are due to release it on Google Glass very soon.

How does it work? When a couple are about to embark in some bedroom activities they must slip on their Google glasses and utter the words ‘okay glass, it’s time’.

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What happens next isn’t exactly for the faint-hearted. The app allows you to see exactly what your partner is looking at, as it streams both viewpoints alongside each other.

Once the lovemaking is over the Glance session is ended by simply saying, ‘okay glass, pull out’.

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Speaking to the Daily Mail, the creators explained that the app will change the way we experience sex.

“Glance let’s you see two different perspectives, seamlessly. It changes the way you experience something personal. Like sex.

“Having sex with Glance brings a completely new perspective”.

That is not all, the intimate footage can be saved for viewing later.

There really is an app for everything.


sex,social media