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20th May 2013

All Aboard: Love Train Designed For Singletons

Because reading a book is SO overrated?!

Rebecca McKnight

Some people read, others take the time to call someone but now singletons in Prague will get to pick out potential love interests during their commute.

According to reports a company called Ropid is going to create special sections in trains where those looking for love can meet each other.

Spokesman Filip Drapal said: “People meet there, pass by each other, and if they like one another they can start a relationship.”

The carriage will be aimed at those who are looking for love.

He added: “We are planning a campaign to show people things they can do on public transport.”

(We don’t know about you but we’ve never been on the Luas and thought ‘hey, I really wish I could flirt with some stranger right now.’)

The scheme, which is due to launch at the end of the year, is apparently part of a campaign to get more people using public transport in the Czech Republic capital.

Although some regular passengers are concerned. Karolina Vranova told DNES Daily: “As a notorious metro catcher I’m afraid I might become the butt of gossip. What if someone sees me in the carriage and tells my boyfriend?”

But she, and other taken commuters, needn’t fear as only one carriage will be designated for single people. Well they needn’t fear as long as it’s not too busy!

Wonder if they’ll play this song in the carriage?
