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19th Dec 2012

A Picture Tells A Thousand Words: Why We Love Barack And Why Barack Loves Spider-Man

We probably didn't need another reason to love Obama, but this photo of the American president has gone viral today and it's certainly got us swooning...


The reasons we love Obama?

There are just too many, but this photo could very well be the epitome of them.

It looks like President Barack Obama got caught in Spider-Man’s web at the end of October…

Don’t worry, he escaped just in time to win his second term of presidency.

The White House photo has been released by TIME magazine. It shows Obama playing make-believe with the son of one of the White House staff.

But it’s not just for the kid Barack seems to have kicked back into Spiderman mode, the president has always been an avid fan of comic books and their characters.

He collected Spider-Man comics as a kid and a lifelong dream came true when, as president, Marvel Comics decided to give him a ‘shout-out back’ by featuring him in a bonus story.

Obama thanks Peter Parker’s alter-ego with a too-cool-for-school fist-bump in the final image.

Obama has never made it a secret about being a comic book kid, have you ever seen this photo of him as a senator posing in front of a Superman statue?

If you need any more persuading, do you remember this? He smashed it!
