Despite the fact that we’re still up to our arses in debt and economic doom and gloom, we’re still a nation of givers according to the Charities Aid Foundation.
The Irish Daily Star is reporting that when it comes to giving money to those less fortunate than ourselves, Ireland is second only to Australia in the kindness stakes.
Yes it seems as though we’re a country that loves to give and we’re only too happy to dig deep into our pockets and fork out some money for a good cause that will benefit others.
Despite our own economic troubles, we’re more than happy to donate to charities
According to the 2012 World Giving Index report, compiled by the Charities Aid Foundation, New Zealand ranked in a respectable fourth place, followed by the United States, the Netherlands, Indonesia and the UK.
Countries were assessed on three different types of charitable behaviour, namely giving money to good causes, volunteering time and helping strangers. Their charitable behaviour was monitored between 2007 and 2011 and various other factors and statistics were taken into consideration before the Charities Aid Foundation made their final decision.
Fair play, Ireland, fair play. Are you planning on giving any money to charity over the upcoming festive season?