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27th Nov 2015

A Little Girl Was Refused A Personalised Jar Of Nutella Because Her Name Is Isis

"The negative publicity of such a beautiful name needs to stop."


A five-year-old girl has been refused her own personalised jar of Nutella because her name is Isis.

Her mother, Heather Taylor, took to Facebook to hit out at the food manufacturers, after they confirmed that “the label in question was not approved for printing”.


Heather highlighted the fact that her daughter is being discriminated against through no fault of her own, and that she should not have to get her name changed in order to enjoy this small treat.

She wrote: “A recent article in women’s day published a list of the top names to be made illegal, Isis was the top one.

“Recently a pharmacist pointed out upon dispensing her medication, that this is not a great name to have. I of course disagree.”

She called for the media to review the way they refer to the terrorist group, writing: “More reason for the media to stop calling Daesh Isis.”

PLEASE SHAREI’m now asking people to share this post for me in the hope it gets to those who can make a difference. I…

Posted by Heather Taylor on Tuesday, November 24, 2015

The name Isis is often chosen after the Egyptian goddess known in mythology for being an ideal mother and wife.