First thing in the morning, we’re thinking about it. It’s on our minds at the 11 o’clock break. We simply need one after lunch… Wait, where’s your head going? You dirty sod. We were talking about the humble cuppa. For whatever ails you in Ireland, step one of the solution is ‘stick on the kettle’. But, as much as we love the classic cup of ‘tay’ with a good splash of milk and maybe even a little sugar, there’s something to be said for sipping the brews of exotic lands. Herbal doesn’t mean hippie, and your daily beverage choices can even help out when it comes to your health. Here’s a rundown on the best herbal brews you can buy:
White Tea
The world and its mother already know about green tea, but have you given white tea a go yet? Hailed by the Chinese as a super tea, (and they know a thing or two about this), white tea only uses the youngest tea leaves and pound for pound contains more antioxidants than many other options on the market. It’s said to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, and help fight off free radicals to maintain healthy and glowing skin.
Jasmine is primarily added to a green or white tea to enhance the taste and smell, but it’s not just a pretty face (or smell), and in fact jasmine packs quite the punch. Research has shown that jasmine has potent chemo-preventative properties, i.e. fights cancer. It’s also one of the naturally sweeter offerings, so if you’re trying to cut down on your sugar intake this could be the tea for you.
As well as minty fresh breath, peppermint brings an array of wonderful offerings to the table. Great for the digestive system, peppermint can help prevent heartburn and can ease cramps to soothe a cranky tummy, (you might value it one week of the month above all others…). Peppermint tea is also an immune system booster, leaving you better equipped to battle off pesky colds and flus.
There’s a whole generation of Irish women who associate chamomile with one thing only – that watery pink liquid that you turned you into a polka-dotted laughing stock when you got the chicken pox as a child. So it might not surprise you to learn that chamomile is a winner when it comes to skin conditions. You might not know though that it’s a natural sedative though, so if you’re lacking sleep this might be the drink to send you to dreamland.
Lavender Tea
Ok, so brewing it might make the kitchen smell like your granny’s perfume, but anxious souls will find a friend in lavender tea. Spirits flagging? Have a little hug in a mug. Lavender is also known to help with flatulence (of course since we’re all ladies we don’t have to worry about that… ahem) and bowel infections, along with alleviating headaches. Granny was on to something all along.