Love it or loathe it, the Rose of Tralee is an Irish institution. And despite the fact that many would claim they’d rather watch paint dry, the stats don’t lie and most of the country will be glued to the TV tonight to see Dáithi Ó’Sé and the Lovely Girls do their thing.
In anticipation of one of the most watched TV events of the year, we’ve been busy putting together our version of Rose of Tralee bingo – or the 13 things that are absolute certain to happen at some stage over the next two nights.
One Rose Will Go Viral
For the most part, this is not a good thing. Step forward 2011 Dublin Rose Siobheal Nic Eochaidh.
Twitter Will Explode
Sure who watches that thing? Everyone with a Twitter account, that’s who. There will be drinking games, unfortunate screengrabs and impromptu bets going around to beat the band. And the best part of it all is the hashtg… #ROT.
A Grand Romantic Gesture
That usually falls flat on its face. We’re looking at you Kyle.
Conspiracy Theories
THEY’VE KNOWN THE WINNER ALL ALONG! In 2013, the cutlery from Newbridge was shown engraved with the name O’Sullivan, a full twenty-four hours before Haley O’ Sullivan took the title. Brown envelopes Dáithi, it’s all brown envelopes.
Cutlery with winner’s name shown on #roseoftralee on MONDAY night. Festival says it was a ‘coincidence’…
— Jonathan Healy (@jonathanhealy) August 21, 2013
Costume Change!
If there isn’t at least one skirt to be whipped off or a pair of shoes to be changed, the year can be deemed a failure. Bucks Fizz have a lot to answer for really.
We’ll Have a Sneaky Wager
And We’re The 32 Best Friends That Anyone Could Have
Every Rose will claim that she’s met her soul sisters. They were thrown together in the whirlwind, but they’ll stay together forever and the flights to visit have already been booked. They’ll always have Kerry.
It’ll Get A Little Too Close to This for Comfort
And Then A Little Bit Like This
But Then, Irish Dancing!!
The Mammies Will Cry
Bonus points to producers if they catch a daddy crying, that’s a rarer sight and as such, better TV.
Lest We Forget Where We Are…
Kerry will be mentioned approximately 22 times in every link. Hon the Kingdom!
And In The End… We Sing
All together now: ‘The pale moon was rising, above the green mountain…” Good girl Mary. We’ll see you next year.