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24th Oct 2012

10 Minute Relationship Therapy: The Weekly Trick That Could Improve Your Love Life

Are you in need of a boost in the relationship department? This 10 minute trick can not only strengthen your connection to your man, it'll also improve your communication with himself...


When it comes to relationships, the vast majority of us want quick fixes. We want the fight to be over, the apologies to be made and everything to start running smoothly again as quickly as possible.

We’ve been brought up with the belief that relationships are hard and that in order to have a fulfilling relationship with another person you have to work your backside off and keep them happy.

Now, it would be idiotic of us to say that relationships don’t require any elbow grease, but what if there was a quick and easy way for you to not only improve your partnership but also strengthen your connection with your man?

Ladies, this isn’t a quick fix, it’s just common sense: every week, schedule a 10 minute meeting with your other half.

Yes, yes. It sounds boring and it’s hard to imagine how a mundane meeting can actually encourage a deeper love but bear with us.

All too often relationships run into trouble when both parties argue about everyday things like finances, what they’re having for dinner or conflicting schedules.

What does a weekly 10 minute meeting do? Well it gives you a chance to sit down with himself and figure out what both of you have planned for the coming days. It offers a safe space in which you can talk finances, plan meals and make big decisions together.

In a modern relationship, it can be hard to find room in your schedule to have some quality time with your other half. You want the moments that you do have with himself to be full of fun and laughter instead of bickering about bills and the fact that you really wish he would have asked you before he said yes to that invite…

A weekly meeting with you man can have amazing benefits for your life and your relationship

The best thing about a weekly 10 minute meeting means that your free time together remains just that: free. Meetings free up time for you to enjoy the fun stuff without worrying about the practicalities of being in a grown-up relationship.

Ladies, let’s put it to you this way: if you’re worried about finances or events at work, the first thing you do is plan a meeting. Let it be the same in your relationship.

Meetings allow you to talk to your other half about the essential elements of your relationship: the mundane things that make up the foundation of your happy life together and this open communication is the key to building a successful relationship together.

Right, so how should you go about setting up a meeting with your man?

First and foremost explain to him why you think it would be beneficial i.e. if we spend ten minutes going through the week ahead on a Sunday or a Monday it means that we both know what the other is up to and if we deal with our week’s finances now, it means we won’t fight over it later.

If your man remains unconvinced tell him about the benefits of holding a ten minute meeting: meetings put both of you in the right frame of mind to talk about important topics, it means you’ll both be more organised, you can figure out what things to make a priority, it will take the stress off your relationship etc.

Have you gotten him on board with the idea? Yes? Excellent, you’re now ready to start implementing it.

Before you sit down to talk make a list of the topics that you need to discuss as a couple and then just talk. Compare your diary for the upcoming week with his. Talk through any big decisions that you need to make. Have a look over your finances for the week ahead. If you need to plan anything else (a holiday or a wedding) spend some time talking about that.

If you put your mind to it you’ll be amazed at the amount of planning you can get through in the space of 10 minutes.

A weekly relationship meeting will help to strengthen your relationship, help you to support the goals of your partner (and vice versa) and will also encourage you to grow together as a couple rather than growing apart.

If you feel like your partnership is a bit hectic and out of control, sit down this evening with himself for 10 minutes and just see the kind of impact some simple planning can have. You won’t regret it!