After a successful weekend of cooking, exercising and planning for a major event on the horizon, girls Amy & Trisha are feeling (and looking) great!
They are almost at the halfway mark when it comes to their Weight Watchers challenge and here they are spilling everything about their weight loss journey. Here’s how week 5 is looking…
Name: Amy Wall
Meeting: Carmelite Community Centre Whitefriar, 56 Auinger St., Dublin, Dublin 2
Starting Weight: 11 stone 9lbs
Current Weight: 11 stone 4lbs
After managing to lose half a pound last week (despite eating out way more than I should have!) I was super-inspired when it came to staying on track this weekend.
As I said in my last entry, I was determined to get off my backside, get out the front door and do a bit of exercise. I successfully managed to put on my runners and go for a good walk on Sunday afternoon and you know what? Getting out the front door is most of the battle – once you’re out and about it’s actually nice to take in a bit of fresh air.
I’m determined to resist the urge to just pan out on the sofa when I get home from work every evening this week. I have a feeling that if I start making the effort to earn those Activity ProPoints I’ll really notice a difference on the scales.
As my days on the Weight Watchers ProPoints plan pass, I’m noticing that I’m craving less junk food. My chocolate cravings have become practically non-existent, which is amazing because I was honestly addicted to the stuff before I embarked on my Weight Watchers journey.
This week I’ll be doing my best to earn a few Activity ProPoints and I’ll be saving all my weekly ProPoints for the weekend. I turn the ripe old age of 25 on Sunday and there will be LOTS of cake. The best thing about being on Weight Watchers is the fact that I can plan ahead, budget my ProPoints and then know that I can indulge myself on Sunday without doing any damage to my weight loss.
I’m gearing up for another great week. I’m feeling good (my energy levels are through the roof!) and I’m looking forward to losing a little bit more at my weigh-in this week.
Name: Patricia Murphy
Meeting: Carmelite Community Centre, Whitefriar, 56. Aungier St. Dublin, Dublin 2
Starting Weight: 14 stone 11lbs
Current weight: 14 stone 6.5lbs
I was really delighted with my 2½ pound weight loss last Wednesday and I’m hoping that tomorrow is equally successful on the scales. I visited my grandparents last weekend and the Christmas tin of biscuits was well and truly opened. I felt like I couldn’t resist but I only took one and made sure to write it into my tracker.
The weeks prior to Christmas are really hard as there is so many parties and so many people who want to meet up for festive dinners and drinks but my leader Mary said that we should not deprive ourselves, but instead plan and track during the week. After a night out on Saturday, I made sure to have good foods in my fridge on Sunday morning to avoid snacking on unhealthy and unsatisfying foods.
I am a lover of jellies but Mary revealed that one tube of Christmas Fruit Pastilles comes in at a whopping 15 ProPoints and it is so easy to eat the lot of them. At the weekend however, I measured them out and treated myself to three ProPoints worth and I enjoyed them.
I have been using my Weight Watchers pedometer and it is incredibly motivating. If I’m tempted to sit on the couch with a shameful number of steps I am more inclined to slip into my runners and push myself out the door. Like I said last week, the weather has been dry so there is really no excuse for dodging exercise.
I was dreading Christmas a few weeks ago, but now I am really looking forward to it. I have already decided to swap my usual red wine for spirits and diet mixers and Mary has stressed that the aim isn’t to lose weight every week, but to avoid moving in the opposite direction.
This Christmas is predicted to be especially mild so I’m going to try and get out for a walk as often as I can but there is still two more weeks and there is no reason why I can’t be down a few more pounds before then!
Do you want to join Amy and Trisha? Find your nearest Weight Watchers classes here.