A new study has revealed that two thirds of women dread Christmas because of all the temptations that come with it including the obligatory box of Roses in front of Titanic on Christmas Day.
The study found that 67 per cent of women said they hate their tummies after indulging in mince pies, glazed hams and selection boxes over the holidays while 47 per cent revealed that their post-Christmas thighs are not desirable.
A spokesperson from LoveLite who conducted the survey said: “Christmas should be a time of celebrating and relaxing with friends and family but instead the majority of women are stressed out from calculating the effects of all the extra food and drink.
Many women fear the belly that comes with the Christmas treats
“They are dreading the fact that their figure is going to expand and especially hate putting on weight around their tummy.”
Although the Her.ie girls are on a bit of a health kick this December, we think a bit of indulgence over Christmas is well deserved.
It’s a time to meet up with friends, hang out with family and indulge in some holiday fun so stressing about calories is definitely off the cards!