Tea is great for warming you up, making you feel better and having a chat over but research shows that it does have health benefits as well…
1. A cup of tea is rich in antioxidants. In fact, it is said to contain more than some fruit and vegetables. Antioxidants boost your immune system and protect your cells against damage. No wonder we feel so refreshed when we have a cup!
2. Tea also contains less caffeine than coffee which means it is better for you. While caffeine is great for an energy boost, it can increase your blood pressure, cause headaches and lead to insomnia. Not so good when you have to get up for work the next morning.
3. Green tea is known to prevent plaque from building up in your arteries. Studies have shown that those that drink three to four cups of the stuff a day are less prone to blood clots and heart attacks.
4. . Contrary to popular belief, tea does is not cause dehydration. In fact four or five cups of tea a day are said to be just as hydrating as a bottle of water. Although it will also have you running to the toilet non-stop.
5. The milk you put in your tea obviosuly provides calcium which protects your bones but all tea leaves contain fluoride as well which will give you an award-winning smile. Say cheese… or should we say tea?
6. Black tea and green tea both have very few calories when drunk alone. It is only when you add milk and sugar to your cuppa that you add to the calorie count but hey, a little never hurt anyone!
7. Apparently green tea is believed to have the potential to increase your metabolism and enhance fat-burning in the body. Although so too will a half an hour walk and the right food choices.
As with everything, it is important to consume tea in moderation and most of the health benefits associated with it are based around green and black tea. Now, who’s putting the kettle on?