The number of Irish people diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases has risen as many of us continue to partake in reckless unprotected sex.
The latest figures from the Health Protection Surveillance Centre reveal the highest rate of STIs ever recorded on our shores.
The centre has recorded a massive increase of 12 per cent since 2010, with chlamydia taking the top spot when it comes to STIs.
Speaking to The Sun, Dr Shay Keating of the STI clinic at Harold’s Cross Surgery in Dublin believes that the problem isn’t a lack of education but instead a lack of common sense.
“Most people are not protecting themselves against STIs.
People don’t understand the danger they are putting themselves in
“People have been educated on the importance of using condoms but they’re ignoring what they know.
“It’s shocking that people can be so glib. They don’t seem to consider that they’re at risk. When you add alcohol and drugs into the mix that’s when they forget to take precautions,” he said.
While many STIs are treatable HIV and Aids are a life-long battle and LGBT Group spokesperson Pa O’Driscoll says people don’t think about the dangers
“Where HIV and Aids are concerned there is no room for complacency.
“It is up to each and every one of us to ensure that we take responsibility for our own sexual health and that precautions are taken if people are engaging in casual sex,” he said.