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15th Feb 2015

Spotlight On: How Happy Is Your Vagina? Thrush And Other Stories

We answer all of the questions that you are too afraid to ask.


Over the last number of months we have been focusing on sexual health and how to keep yourself healthy.

Last week, we looked at the importance of getting a regular smear test.

Now, we will be focusing on everything you need to know about keeping yourself healthy with some simple steps to avoid infections and other problems.


Keeping clean and healthy

The vagina is designed to keep itself clean and healthy with the help of natural discharges. This should also be added to by maintaining a healthy diet which includes regular exercise.

You should avoid perfumed gels and soaps when cleaning the area as these can affect the pH levels (more on this later) and can cause infection. As a result, many scented wipes and/or deodorants can also disrupt the healthy, natural balance of the vagina.


Discharge – what is it all about?

Vaginal discharge is quite normal and can change throughout the course of your menstrual cycle.

Healthy discharge does not have a strong smell or colour, but if there are changes to this, you should contact your GP.

Bacteria – is it good or bad?

There are a number of good bacteria such as lactobacilli inside the vagina which help to keep the pH balance at an even level.

The good bacteria can also prevent harmful bacteria from entering the vagina. However, if the balance of bacteria is disturbed or changed, it can lead to infection.

If the quality or amount of lactobacilli falls it can result in infections such as thrush.


What is thrush?

Thrush is a common yeast infection that causes itching, irritation and swelling of the vagina and surrounding area.

It is fairly harmless but can be extremely uncomfortable.

Thrush can be easily treated in most cases simply by taking a tablet and/or using an anti-thrush cream that you apply to the area.

Thrush is extremely common with three-quarters of women expected to experience a bout of thrush in their lifetime. Thrush is also quite common during pregnancy.

The most common symptoms of thrush include itching and soreness around the vagina, pain during sex, unusual vaginal discharge and a stinging sensation when you urinate.

Seek the advice of your GP if you feel like you may have thrush.


Other problems

Another problem that may occur in the vaginal area includes pubic lice, which can also be known as crabs. You can read more about pubic lice here.

Practice safe sex

Bacteria and viruses can be transmitted into the vagina during sex. These include previously covered topics such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes and syphilis to name but a few.

The best way to protect yourself from these type of infections is by using a condom during sex.


Pregnant? Don’t stress

If you are experiencing changes to your vagina during pregnancy make sure to contact your GP and get it checked out. As aforementioned, thrush is quite common during pregnancy.

Most women will have more vaginal discharge during pregnancy and this can change towards the last week of your pregnancy as your body prepares for birth.

And remember

Although a smear test is of the cervix and not the vagina, this is merely a gentle reminder about how important it is to get a regular smear test as it detects changes in the cells of the cervix.

Read more about it here.