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17th Dec 2012

Health & Fitness Revolution – What is Stress, and What Can You Do About It?

It's a serious condition that affects us all from time to time. But what exactly is stress, and if you're feeling it - what can you do about it?

Rebecca McKnight

What is stress?

It’s something we all feel from time to time, but stress is very difficult to explain and even more so to measure. This is partially because stress can mean different things to different people. It is often defined as a mismatch between the demands placed on us and our ability to cope with these demands, a feeling many modern Irish women will be familiar with.  

However it is not stress itself that is a danger to our health and wellbeing, but rather, how we cope with stress. 

If it is not handled correctly, your body’s constant reactions to stress can leads to increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. 

So what can we do about it?

There are some steps you can take to alleviate your stress and help your body handle it better the next time the demands on your shoulders are weighing a little too heavily..

1. Deep breaths now…

Teaching yourself how to relax is one of the best ways to fight stress. Focus on breathing deeply and exhaling slowly, shutting the demands of the world out for a few minutes at a time.

2. Focus in the big picture

Yes that email might seem like the end of the world now, but will it really matter tomorrow if it was five minutes late? If you’re stuck in a traffic jam and running late there is very little you can do about it – try to accept that sometimes things just will not go according to plan.

3. Don’t bottle it up

Holding all your worries in will only do you more harm in the long term. Talk to friends or family and feel an instant lift. 

4. Make sure you get enough zzzz’s…. 

Sleep is one of the body’s most important tools when it comes to maintenance and repair. Make sure you get your 7-8 hours every night.

5. Anti oxidants supplements

A natural anti oxidant supplement like “PurePlus” is full of protective minerals and vitamins that will help combat stress.





One way to fight stress is with anti-oxidant filled PomeGreat PurePlus

