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23rd Jan 2025

Cancer cases rising in women and declining in men, report says

Kat O'Connor

Cancer cases have risen in women in the USA

New research has found that cancer cases are rising in women and declining in men in America.

The report has found that cancer cases in women aged between 50 and 64 have now surpassed men in the same age group.

The team at the American Cancer Society confirmed there are more cancers overall, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there are more deaths.

They explained that the mortality rate from cancer fell 34% from 1991 to 2022.

This is down to better treatment options, cancer screenings, and a decrease in smoking.

Dr. Arif Kamal of the American Cancer Society said, “Here’s the bottom line: We’ve got more cancers overall, particularly those in younger people, and particularly those in women.”

The reason for the increase is not clear but doctors believe it could be down to lifestyle changes.

Dr. Kamal said, “Ten years ago, we thought that cancer was the product of either bad genetics or bad luck. And now we know that about half of cancers are the product of lifestyle.”

“There are 13 different cancers associated with being overweight. There are seven different cancers associated with alcohol intake,” Dr. Kamal added.

Women have been encouraged to attend their cancer screenings regularly.

In Ireland, women should get their routine cervical cancer screening, as well as their breast screening and bowel screening in later life.

Breast Cancer Screening

Through BreastCheck, the national breast screening programme, women between the ages of 50 to 69 are invited to get a free mammogram every 2 years.

Women should conduct a routine self-examination once a month and consult their doctor about any concerns.

Cervical Cancer Screening

A cervical screening is not a test for cancer but it can detect if people are at risk.

It’s understood that cervical screening can prevent 3 out of 4 cervical cancer cases.

Women and people with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 65 should have regular cervical screening tests.

  • If you’re between 25 and 29 years of age, you will usually have a cervical screening test every 3 years.
  • If you’re between 30 and 65 years of age, you will usually have a cervical screening test every 5 years.

You can learn more about your cervical screening here.

Bowel Cancer Screening

You can get bowel cancer screening if you are aged 59 to 69 and live in Ireland.

The HSE will offer you your first home screening test between your 59th and 61st birthday.

Then you will be offered a home test every 2 years.

You need to be on the bowel screening register before you’re offered a home screening test

The public has been urged to contact their GP if they’re concerned about cancer symptoms. It’s important to get regular health checks and to speak to your doctor about any concerns.

