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24th Mar 2014

You Know You’re Turning Into Your Mammy When… One4All Hits the Streets of Dublin Ahead of Mother’s Day

Describing every Irish Mammy to a tee.


You know you were reared by an Irish Mammy when… this entire video is your childhood summed up in one.

Lucy Kennedy took to the streets with One4All to find out what makes an Irish Mammy so special. Apparently they get a handbook when they give birth – we recognise A LOT of these replies.

From using 7-up as a fail-safe cure (even if it is a broken leg) to conversations being regularly interjected with pearls of wisdom like ‘Hay is for Horses’, the Irish Mammy never fails to impress us with her parting wisdom.

So would you ever want to date your mother? In fairness, you’d never be looked after as well in your life than if you settle down with your mother-incarnate. Just make sure she doesn’t actually look like her…

For those who have yet to pick up a gift this Mother’s Day, One4All Gift Cards are the handiest way to stay in the good books (and guarantees your gift won’t be returned come Monday). Available in all local Post Offices and PostPoints including Topaz and Applegreen, a One4All gift card means there’s no risk of you buying the same cardigan she’s had earmarked since the sales, that both your dad and brother have wrapped up too.

IRL-One4all MothersDay Card and Carrier