One Dad of an African-American girl being bullied by twin girls on Snapchat has taken to YouTube in an emotional video supporting his daughter.
Brad Knudson from Minnesota recorded some of the abusive Snapchat messages on his own phone before contacting police to report the harassment and racism.
The video shows the bullies calling the young teen a ‘slut’, ‘fat’ amongst other racial slurs.
Mr. Knudson was more shocked though when he finally did get a chance to talk to the father of the twins, who told him he was ‘crazy’ and claimed the family make jokes ‘using this word’ all the time.
Mr. Knudson even reveals that his own daughter used this term herself in a video, and he would be reprimanding her, as it ‘discredits the message’ he wants to encourage in society.
Speaking to his video audience, Brad wants to change the way society address bullying, harassment and racism.
This is a pretty emotional, but incredibly moving, video.
Video via Bradley Knudson