It’s a job title that doesn’t come easy, but it’s one that’s totally worth it.
It’s being a mum. They say you’ll be fine and it’ll come naturally to you and, you know what, it does. When you become a mum you become so many more things.
And there’s some other big changes too… here are twelve things that happen when you become a mammy.
1. You Grow A Stomach
As in a stomach that can hack vomit, wee, cuts, bruises, blood (“Is there blood Mammy?!”), snot… the whole lot. It’s now second nature to wipe and touch and clean all these body excrements that you would have gagged at before.
2. You Become A Light Sleeper
Were you the person who was known for being a deep sleeper? Someone who could go to bed at ten and sleep a sound night through? Well, not anymore. You have kids now, human nature means you are always on alert. Was that a footstep outside the bedroom door? It mightn’t have been, but you’re awake now anyway…
Yup, it feels something like this.
3. You’ve Mastered The Art Of Functioning On Three Hours Sleep
See number two. Child number one refused to go to sleep until 1am, child number two wet the bed at half two, child number one woke at four with a bad dream, child number three woke at six to play. So, yes, that was about three hours sleep but you seem to manage just fine.
4. You Can Cook On A Daily Basis
Who knew? Cooking was never your forte, but now with a budget, a brood and a busy life it seems you’ve no choice but to create edible meals on a daily basis… or at least try and persuade your other half to.
5. You’re Broody
Massive changes in hormones, emotions and life situations means you’re ooh-ing and aah-ing over babies now non-stop. Mostly because you’re wishing your own terrors were still that small and innocent…
6. You’re A “Full-Time Mum”
This is a job title, even if it’s complimented by another job title. And now you know that.
7. You Appreciate Alone Time
A book and a couch? For me?! Are you SERIOUS?! This rarely happens and when it does it’s bliss.
8. You Appreciate Sexy Time
Those rare snippets of time when it’s just you and your man? Wow. You make the most of it too…
9. You Always Said You Wouldn’t Be…
But you are. Years and years of telling yourself you’d never be IT, but you are… BAD COP.
10. You’re A Multi-Tasker
Yup, and it’s something you’re dead proud of too. A mum can cook, clean, dress the kids, clean the kids, watch the TV, call their friend for a chat and surf the net for a good deal at the same time. It’s a skill you only acquire when you become a mammy.
I can do this AND twelve other things at the same time.
11. You’re The Go-To Person
Because of the above, you’ve become the go-to person in the house. It’s a natural thing that just comes with being a mum. Problem, joke, question, help, something to fix, you fell, you need a new copybook… where do you go? Mum.
12. You Know Every Book/DVD/Video/TV Programme Off By Heart
You know what happens Dora, Peppa and every fictional character that ever lived. You know the book’s words, the pictures off by heart and what’s worse is they know when you skip the pages… it’s what bedtime is all about.
The reasons will have to wait until another day…