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21st Feb 2014

They Grow Up So Fast – Make Sure Your Toddler Gets Their Essential Daily Nutrients

23% of toddlers of 1 year olds are getting inadequate intakes of iron and at least 70% of 1- 4 year olds have inadequate intakes of vitamin


Your toddler is growing up fast and every day brings new changes and milestones in their growth and development. 

The first three years of your toddler’s life can bring you and your toddler little challenges as they begin to learn and grow before your eyes… getting cheekier and more playful with every day that passes!

We know you only want the best for them, and that’s why our friends at Aptamil Growing Up milk are here to help keep you informed on the latest in toddler nutrition.

Though there is no doubt that every parent does their best to make sure their child has the best, research in Ireland shows that 23% of one year olds have inadequate intakes of iron and at least 70% of 1- 4 year olds have inadequate intakes of vitamin D*.

Aptamil Growing Up milk provides essential nutrients your growing toddler needs when used as part of a healthy balanced diet. Just two beakers a day (300ml⁺) provide about half the iron and vitamin D your toddler needs and recent research in Ireland has shown that growing up milk is proven to help reduce the risk of inadequacies of these two nutrients in the diets of toddlers aged 1-3 years.

Give yourself the peace of mind that you are doing the best you can to support your toddler’s growth and development, through a healthy balanced diet, and help them prepare today for their tomorrow!

For more information on Aptamil Growing Up Milk, please click here.

*Irish Universities Nutrition Alliance (2012). National Preschool Nutrition Survey Main Report.



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