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05th Dec 2012

That’s A Terrible Name! The Majority Of First Time Parents Argue Over A Name For Their Tot

Naming your baby is hard and new research has shown that it is the cause of the first big argument between new mums and dads!


Choosing a name for your first-born is a difficult task and a new study has revealed that it is the cause of the first argument between new parents.

Everyone has different tastes. Some parents prefer to keep it traditional while others like to go with something a bit more unusual but research has shown that it is the topic couples argue about the most during pregnancy.

Mark Pearson spokesperson for said: “There is so much to think about when expecting your first child that it can be difficult to agree on everything at first.

“It is something new and exciting but also a little bit scary. So take time to listen to each other as having a baby now also means sharing all the decisions and meeting each other half way if you disagree.”

‘We’re not naming her after your mother!’

The survey also revealed that couples argue over childcare arrangements, breastfeeding and finding out the sex of the baby.

“I am not surprised to see so many parents disagreeing on the choice of their baby’s name as it is something that will be with them for the rest of their life, you want to make sure you’re choosing the right one.

“Some parents come up with some very unusual funny names but don’t forget they will come after you when they grow up if they end up as ‘Princess Consuela Banana Hammock’,” joked Mr Pearson.

It also emerged that many men question their partner’s diet and start arguments over what is best for the baby.

The absolute cheek of it!


Mums & Dads